Medical Consultation
At The Art Of Echocardiography, our initial motive is to offer the best medical consultation to our patients dealing with uneasy conditions like palpitation, hypertension, cardiovascular issues, heart failure or blockage, etc. We aim to provide reliable assistance and refer them to a cardiac hospital where they can find a suitable cardiologist to get treated without any hindrances.

We understand the importance of enduring an experience that is smooth and has zero hassle while getting diagnosed with any disease or discomfort. Therefore, at The Art of Echocardiography, the cardiac medical centre in Box Hill, we are exceptionally serving our patients with the utmost provision of care and cure. With a rich experience of more than two decades, Dr. Ata Rehman is regulating The Art of Echocardiography, a bulk billing doctor clinic in Box Hill in order to make their patient’s experience free of any inconveniences.